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Why Have This Website?
Our family was raised on the ideal that "Family" is more than your immediate family. Family is your first cousins, second cousins, etc. Family is those you chose to have as close friends. These days our “family” is getting too busy to get together as often as we would like. This website is an attempt to let our “family” know what we have been up to, when they could not be around.
How Can You Keep In-Touch?
If you have information that you would like others in our “family” to know about, contact Larry to find out how to get that information onto this website.
If you would like to have your own website Larry can help you with that too
Fautch Genealogy
Our thanks to Donnie Carlson for the time he spent gathering this information Let Larry know if you can help update this
What Have We Been Doing?
Michael & Jessi are moving again!
June 16, 2011
Mike, Jessi and Claire will be moving to Pennsylvania the end of July. Jessi has accepted a position to teach Chemistry at York University and Michael has accepted the Branch Manager position at Belco Credit Union in Harrisburg. Congratulations to both of them.
We also want to wish Claire a Happy 2nd Birthday on June 25th.